Applications are currently closed.
Want to Become an Apprentice?
- First, it is recommended that you get started earning your Level 1 Certification.
- During the hiring process, preference will be given to folks who have achieved Level 1 Certification or are currently in the process of achieving it.
- This does not mean people who can’t attend the session times/can’t afford the full price of tickets won’t be considered. This is not a “pay to play” scheme. The work we do is important, but not exciting. I want both of us to know ahead of time if this is truly interesting work to you.
- Please reach out if you want to attend a session but the cost is prohibitive.
- Once applications are open, candidates will need to complete an application form.
- The application open and close date, along with the full application process, will be announced here, via email list (sign up on maigenthomas.com), and Patreon, LinkedIn , Facebook posts.
Applications will be reviewed continuously throughout the application window.
This application process does NOT use an ATS. Every application will be read by Maigen Thomas personally. That means it will probably take longer, but you will get personalized feedback.
The Application Questions
Below are the actual application questions, along with their required response formats. These are in addition to basic personal information.
- When did you find out about this job opening? (required, open text)
- Did you take any specific steps to prepare for within the application window? If yes, what were they? (required, open text)
- Why did you decide to plan ahead for applying? (required, open text)
- Select up to 11 of the following skills you are most confident or skilled in (multiple choice, required)
- Of those skills you selected, briefly describe three that you’ve worked on or with most recently and how you did so (required, open text)
- Why did you work on these three you worked on or with most recently? (required, open text)
- Share the link to a YouTube video you have watched recently about a topic you enjoyed learning about. (required, url)
- Explain to a 10 year old, step by step, one of the following options): (required, choose your most comfortable response option: open text, voice, or video)
- how to tie your shoes
- how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- how to make a grilled cheese sandwich
- how to make a quesadilla
- How to fry an egg
- Tell us about a time when you went out of your way to help someone in a professional or personal setting. Why did you do it and what was the outcome? (required, choose your most comfortable response option: open text, voice, or video)
- What’s a project or skill you took the initiative to work on without being asked? Why did you decide to do it? (required, choose your most comfortable response option: open text, voice, or video)
- Tell us about a time when you solved a problem in an unconventional way. What was the outcome? (required, choose your most comfortable response option: open text, voice, or video)
- You have 10 things to do but only time to do 5 of them before the deadline. How would you decide what tasks to prioritize? Explain your reasoning. (required, choose your most comfortable response option: open text, voice, or video)
- Share the link to the case study you are most proud of. Make sure the case study can be viewed by anyone with the link. (required, URL)
- What feedback did you receive on any part of this project and how did you use that feedback to improve your work? (required, open text)
Design Exercises
- Design Quick Assessment: You will be given time to review a single page user interface. When you’re ready, you will be asked to answer:
- What is one change you think could improve the accessibility or usability of the design?
- What is one way you could measure the success of the design?