To track progress and ensure rigorous training, we’re adopting the Law of 100. This entails conducting 100 website evaluations, where participants can sign up for events, paying a nominal fee to ensure commitment.

What’s with the numbers? If I join Evaluation 20 of 100 session, am I missing out on anything before the Evaluation 20? Do you provide resources on whatever has been covered before?

The session numbers are a way for ME to keep track of progress. I set a goal in early July 2024 to conduct 100 website evaluations before July 2025.

It also allows me to track attendance with the NFTs, since each Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFT is unique and connected to each event individually.  The POAP is issued through and these NFTs are how students who want to get certified will demonstrate that they have attended the minimum number of events to unlock Level 1 certification.

The numbers also mean I don't have to hunt and find the names for each website we evaluated for future reference, so taxonomically, they're easy to find in the list of recordings (rather than listing alphabetical or otherwise). The process has already evolved a few times since we first started, so Evaluation 1 of 100 is different but just as valuable as 99 of 100.

You aren't missing out on anything that came before, but you can review all of them on my Patreon at the free level:

I put them in the Patreon rather than making them publicly available on YouTube because the issues we find demonstrate how the business or organization could be sued for accessibility issues. It's the least amount of protection I can afford while still teaching the process.

The website that we will be evaluating, is that a real world product or some example website made for learning purposes?

All of the websites we evaluate are live, real-world websites. We mostly focus on government agencies, but have also done quite a few ecommerce, nonprofit, small business orgs and others. The goal is to learn about accessibility in the real world, so that we can better identify issues and learn to apply better accessibility to our designs in the future.

Do I need previous experience with or knowledge of Accessibility?

There is no expectation of accessibility knowledge before attending the website evaluations. Each one follows the same process, and I explain everything every single time. It is meant to be accessible to anyone, no matter how new to the industry, or what their role is.

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